- Establish reading time every day. For example, read a few books together every night before bed. Or establish a “relax and reading hour” every day, perhaps after they come home from school or from playing outside. Whatever works with your schedule!
- Try to avoid negative language with reading. Reading shouldn’t be a chore and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be a punishment; it should be a fun and relaxing part of their day!
- Save money on books and visit one of our AMAZING five-star libraries in EBR! Allow your child, with a little bit of guidance, to pick out a good stack of books for themselves.
- Find fun new places to read! Make a blanket fort, read under the trees outside, visit the park and have a picnic.
- Lead by example! Read to your child, ask them to read to you, or share a book together. Read magazines, books, and newspapers around them.
- Encourage siblings to read to one another to strengthen their fluency and speaking skills.
- Have books and reading material available in every room your child hangs out in.
- Read and share your favorite from when you were a kid.
- Remember that kids are much more likely to finish a book if they pick it out themselves!
- Don’t be afraid to read the same favorites over and over again. Don’t be worried if your child is reading mostly comic books. Try not to force them to read a book they are resisting. Remember – ANY reading is POSITIVE reading!